
Yue Yue's mother interviewed. Reporter correspondent Xie Yinlong QiaoJunWei photo
& Nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; survey: If you see down the road in a pool of people, how would you do?
Little Yue Yue condition but the best results tend to be stable or into a vegetative state Yue Yue mom (microblogging) would like to have the child's parents,, said: Be sure to watch your child
Video: Girls car was rolling machine maintenance respiration by two drivers were arrested Source: Dragon TV "Look East"
Text / reporter Rao Chen, Wu Jun correspondent instrument silver Chunlin, Xie Yinlong
(Except signature)
Tongyue Yue in Foshan two years old girl run over by two cars suffered more than a dozen passers-by have not been applied in sequence over a helping hand,air jordan pas cher,, and finally a kindly old lady scavenging propped the child. This newspaper yesterday reported the story is sad (see this newspaper yesterday, A3, A4 version), small Yue Yue's condition also affects the hearts of many readers. Yesterday was the small Yue Yue was sent to rescue the first four days in Guangzhou,louboutin homme pas cher,, responsible for the rescue of three medical experts said Yue Yue's condition, although stable tendency, but "is still very critical, any time of danger."
Yesterday morning, the Guangzhou General Hospital ICU main ,, deputy chief of neurosurgery Weimin and to the media about the latest condition of small Yue Yue. Wen Qiang, said Yue Yue transferred from the hospital after 14 pm, after two and a half days of treatment, the current condition has stabilized tendencies. He also said that the small Yue Yue "condition is still very critical, any time of danger."
Wen Qiang said the hospital currently does not have to do the little Yue Yue experimental brain death diagnosis, nor been to the diagnosis of brain death, "Once under diagnosis of brain death, it means that treatment is no hope, no meaning." He also pointed out that Yue Yue was a young, strong nerve regeneration,, "Last night though no brain stem reflex and breathing on his own, but it seems there are some signs of improvement this morning." He said that at present Yue Yue not to the edge of despair, as long as there is a glimmer of hope hospitals are full treatment.
Weimin said that the whole brain swelling small Yue Yue is still in the state. "The peak of brain edema generally is 7-10 days, spent after the menstrual period, and can help determine the next step." Weimin said that if in 7-10 days, Yue Yue through this off, it may save their lives, Otherwise life worrying. "In general, the occurrence of severe brain damage, especially traumatic brain injury, the mortality rate of more than 99%." He said Yue Yue survived has been very good, the best results, "may be in a vegetative state."
Dialogue Yue Yue mother:
This world is more than good
Reporter: Have you seen Yue Yue injured video?
Yue Yue mother: After what happened, I had to go to the store to shoot video of this video, I saw that the store's boss took me opened, let me see. These days,, the children will not let me complete my father contacted the TV and computer,air jordan femme, I do not want to look at this video, I now need to do is think of Yue Yue, Yue Yue and so good together.
Reporter: Yue Yue not save more than a dozen passers-by, how do you see?
Yue Yue mother: those who are indifferent to, I do not comment. If they later married, they have children, let them ask their own (would feel) it ...... I will not be disappointed with humanity, in this world is more than good. After the event, there are a lot of people to help us, I am very grateful to them.
Reporter: Some people say it's the lady help Yue Yue is "famous", how do you see?
Yue Yue mother: she is definitely not to be famous, she is a good person.
Yue Yue mother:
Night dream daughter dance for me
Yesterday, Ms. Qu Yue Yue's mother once again came to the ICU to visit her daughter. "Every time I would, and she said a lot of words, I would like to personally give her singing, her heart still beating, I think she could feel her around me. I have been very guilty about this matter, but the family has been In persuade me, they said Yue Yue also need to take care of me, so I must be strong and now I only want to Yue Yue not give me a chance, let me take care of her ...... I would like to have parents who say: Be sure to watch your kids. "
Ms. Qu said Yue Yue is a very clever, intelligent, sensible child. 2 years, 4 months, she has been able simple words to express their ideas,boutique louboutin paris, like a lot of kids like to watch, like "tiger" cartoon "Every time I see the TV camera Causing loss of lives, she will be the last shot the television saying 'do not fight', see me cry, she would say, 'Mom do not cry'. "Ms. Song said, Yue Yue injured, she dreamed of her every night," The first night, I dream about her wearing a yellow skirt constantly in a circular motion, dancing to me. The next night, I dreamed that she learned cartoon animals 'ha ha' laugh, also called the 'mother'. "
Yue Yue brother:
Brother also waiting for his sister to come back to play with
Yue Yue has a 7-year-old brother, brother and sister have been feeling very good. After the tragedy, Ms. Qu and her husband still did not dare tell his son the truth, "we just told him that his sister was touched, to see a doctor, but the child has felt what happened, he always asked me: 'Dad how . always shed tears Yeah, '"Ms. Qu said,, these two days will hug her sister's baby son, said to himself:"! brother also waiting to come back to play with my sister. "
Yue Yue father:
The driver I can understand if not really interested in
Prior to the driver hated small Yue Yue's father Wang Chang held by media coverage, we understand the situation after the driver said that if the driver really did not see the child, he can understand him. He appealed to some of the community can be more like Chen Xian Mei-intentioned people, less wealthy and powerful no lover.
(Text / reporter Zhang Xuebin, Dengzhu Feng,air max femme pas cher, Wang Guangyong)
Microblogging Thanksgiving:
We thank the thousands of people concerned
Yesterday, Ms. song opened the network called "Little Yue Yue Mom" (microblogging) microblogging, 14:38, she made a first micro-blog: "Hello everyone, I'm Foshan Yue Yue's mother, Yue Yue is currently the case in the hospital temporarily restore stability, we are doing the greatest ability to let her back to health, thank everyone concerned for many days to come. "After the micro-Bo, there are more than 4,000 users comment immediately, blessing the small Yue Yue, I hope small Yue Yue's parents be strong.
Yesterday 18:05,, "Little Yue Yue mother" conveyed through the microblogging small Yue Yue's condition latest news, saying: "Thank God we thank the thousands of people concerned about numerous phone call back strongly expressed the wish!! Help us! wordless gratitude! "
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