
Since the early 2010 interview, "Capsule Apartment" designer Wong Yat elderly, have continued to hear his message capsule apartment upgrade, but this year a year of silence.

December 27, an Internet company in Zhongguancun live interview room,parajumpers salg norge,http://wx.jazzsynth.com/wxcgi/kizai/sunkizai.cgi?mode=form&no=61&page=2, the old man over the age of 80, once again stand out, announced upgrades 5th "capsule apartment" message.

This is the second since 2008 the first generation of "capsule apartment" come out of the fifth generation of new products - mini-apartments, 5.5 meters long and 3 meters wide, with a total area of 16.5 square meters. Although the "mini-apartment" still exists only on paper, but Wong Yat very confidently said: "I hope 'mini-apartments' can become a new word in 2012." Only this time, to the scene of the media have been very few interviews.

Huanglao confidently told reporters, "I have applied for a patent, also registered a 'mini' trademark." He liked the name, think very intimacy.

5 times in the dispute before the line upgrade

At the scene, nearly 80 years old Wong Yat still ruddy, full of energy. Like a year ago, he still likes gushed to the media about his building "capsule apartment" concept. He said that urbanization is a global trend,outlet moncler,http://gigadict.com, and his exploration capsule apartment building, is to help solve the problem of the temporary residence of China's huge floating population of migrant workers.

Back in 2008, Wong Yat on the design of the first generation of "capsule apartment." Japanese "capsule hostel" reported that he had association, Wong Yat think this can give mobile workers who come to Beijing to see the doctor to provide a shelter, at least better than staying in the corridor.

When the ant this group surfaced, let Wong Yat began to focus on the living conditions of low-income people, especially after 80 young university graduates aroused sympathy for the old man, but also makes the capsule apartments have a more clear positioning.

"I saw some of the hospital's escort,http://www.lionbrand.com/cgi-bin/faq-search.cgi, looking for an apartment is difficult because some simply rub the long hospital stay. Then I came across a story about the 'ant' and see when that report I have tears of." Wong Yat said, "can not do Diansha help these ant, let them come to Beijing Migrant workers and no place to live graduated college students can have a transition at the shelter to meet their basic living requirements. "

The complexity of this process can be far beyond his mind, there has been a process of questioning voices, so that he gradually felt the pressure.

For example, some experts have questioned such a small cramped capsule apartment space,woolrich donna, once the resident may cause psychological problems guest, a long time and may even lead to depression. The doubts come from users but also to Wong Yat feel shock, he still vividly remember a netizen from Henan Luoyang quipped, "Huang uncle, saw your capsule to faint." And questioned the capsule apartment looks more like a foreign prisons.

Beijing this year introduced the "rent limit order" to be in the base rent for the specification sets the requirements to rent residential floor area of not less than 10 square meters per capita, "Obviously, my apartment does not comply with government regulations capsule."

Even his wife also suggested people to be able to go into the apartment,nike air max pas cher, rather than crawl. He told reporters, when he heard someone say "capsule apartment" like a prison,moncler sito ufficiale outlet, felt very sad, directly to the time of the "capsule apartment" smashed.

Because of practicality is not strong,hogan italia, the conditions are very simple, his first-generation capsule apartment did go far, even selling scrap it away. But he has not given up.

I'm just one person lead the way

Wong Yat said, the latest version of the apartment and the biggest difference is in the past "capsule apartment" is its fixity. Capsule Apartment temporary shelter, but is removable, but now it is a mini-apartment house fixed, either rent, you can also sell.

Rental or sale, Wong Yat and other relevant personnel are still discussed. But he said that if the lease, monthly rent is about the same as a conventional capsule apartment, "because we position is that these low-income people," sell it, a 'mini-apartments' need 190,000 yuan. "

He said: "'mini-apartment' is actually a springboard for low-income people, in the face of high prices, low-income people can buy the first 'mini-apartments' future ability to re-sell,louboutin pas cher, re-buy bigger houses." .

But even just a springboard,http://bbs.cnynr.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=96048, Huanglao not worried about people's needs will decline. In his view,http://www.xtbike.net/home.php?mod=space&uid=245512, a group of young people go, there will be the next batch of fresh graduates, or low-income people just work.

Currently, Wong Yat is preparing to introduce a number of philanthropists and investors, as well as he would "mini-apartment" do together.

When to introduce investors, Huang-Lao said: "I can only be a pathfinder." In his view, in order to get things done,http://nyc880.com/forum.php?mod=forumdisplay&fid=40&filter=sortid&sortid=1, it must be standardized, including patent, trademark, etc. And in their own intellectual property and design after, to have more people to participate, so that more people are concerned about low-income people,parajumpers norge, to allow more people to enjoy this service.

For the question whether the profit, Wong Yat said: "certainly be profitable,nike tn pas cher, how can it not profitable to attract investors?"

There is still an unfulfilled dream

This is all "capsule" he designed, the most "spacious" one. "The government rental housing per capita living area of requirements", which he expanded "capsule" area of reasons.

Wong Yat relish example is a once lived capsule apartment college, find a job and finally successfully moved out of the capsule after renting an apartment in a capsule apartments in Beijing Fangshan two weeks, and so far he still kept in touch Wong Yat .

Despite the confidence of their new products,http://www.tenipa.net/16/cgi-bin/memo/apeboard_plus.cgi?command=read_message&msgnum=35/, but has been unable Wong Yat-funded, the "capsule" drawings into reality.

Since 2008, Wong Yat invested a total of about 28 million. Today, demolition demolition,giubbotti woolrich, he sold, located in Dongcheng District Andingmen only the first generation of "capsule" is still rental, investment recovered only about 15 million.

Wong Yat believe that each generation of their own design "capsule" are successful, the operator does not go is because not been widely recognized, "I am willing to wait three to five years, will market my product."

Wong Yat This is a study of retired senior thermal power station, that he is proud of the Great Hall of the heating facilities who contribute over their technology and power, the young Wong Yat is a sturdy amateur marathon enthusiasts, who ran the marathon in Beijing,hogan donna,http://www.athtech.co.jp, the top three games, even professional athletes it is difficult to outperform him, allowing him to nearly 80 years of age or energy to chase their dreams.

His life has many dreams, writing a book, Starchaser dream,bracciale tiffany, when engineers, health ...... he does not know, this last one dream - to make the movement of persons have a resting-place, one day be able to do?

"When this thing for the future of everyone recognized, real estate developers are involved, and my goal is achieved. If I can not reach my desire, let dry and then my grandchildren, must take this thing made. "Wong Yat told reporters. (Reporter intern car Hui Wu Haifeng)