
State-owned grain and oil supermarkets within Suisheng brand peanut oil still for sale (non-issue batches). Peanut oil were detected excessive carcinogens event schedule
Southern News Foshan City, the only state-owned oil refinery --- Southwest oil plant production of a batch "Suisheng card" peanut oil were detected carcinogenic content exceeding 50%, from the 8th of this month, was ordered to suspend production for rectification. Yesterday, Sanshui Food Safety Commission survey showed that excessive aflatoxin, 1.6-liter press two peanut oil,, a total of 288 bottles on the market today, the brand will conduct a comprehensive sampling.
The factory said that the problem is in the vendor supply "inferior charged", the market recovered from more than a dozen boxes batch of products currently awaiting Notice to the quality supervision department. Southern Reporter survey found that the same brand name products are still the major supermarkets, grain stores sales, and no sign of excessive product. If the investigation results released so far been a month, without the knowledge of the public questioned why the relevant authorities do not issue a notice?
Rebellion: rebellion insiders
According to public information, food enterprise restructuring after 1997, Foshan Sanshui southwest oil plant is the only one state-run oil refinery, the current annual output of 500 tons of edible oil, the Sanshui market share above 50%, sales in local Sanshui based,air max pas cher, radiation Foshan and the surrounding area.
Last night, an insider said Southwest refineries rebellion burst "Suisheng card" peanut oil were detected some time ago found excessive aflatoxin, the factory has been ordered to shut down for rectification. At this point, the incident began to enter the public eye, after about the news, there is no relevant official notification.
"I've been concerned about this, but passed for so long, have not seen the relevant departments to give announcement, very puzzled," the insider said that to his knowledge, these substandard products have gone to market, do not know the factory in the end there is no recall, recall how much, but it is certain that the blockade of this message, suffer most are consumers being deprived of the right to know, as usual, still buy and eat, "This is the kind of damage public health costs, and maintenance activities business interests, is an irresponsible act. "
Prove: authenticity horizon
Yesterday morning, the reporter went to the Sanshui Southern Bureau of Quality Supervision confirmation. Bureau Deputy Director Cai Yaofen did not say whether there is the matter, saying only that "he did not publish permissions food safety incidents." He gave a brief introduction to the Southwest refineries: Japanese normal production of about 2 tons, the council each quarter will be at least one sample checks, are qualified before, and now do not know if qualified, and as regulatory authorities, not may carry out sample testing of each batch, mainly rely on their own to implement the main responsibility.
About aflatoxin, he said according to the Food Safety Act, the highest national standard is 20μg / kg. If you exceed this content, would eaters stomach damage, long-term consumption will have a negative impact on the human body.
"Production capacity of this plant is not much," he repeatedly emphasized this point, attracted media attention. A reporter asks, "Does this mean that even if the plant has unqualified products into the market, the impact on the public will not be great?" He to deny, saying "you have a need,chaussure nike pas cher femme, we can understand the Sanshui Food Safety Commission situation,nike tn pas cher france, you can go to their factory to see whether the start. "
The authenticity of the event horizon. Food Safety Commission official said, on this matter, he has to understand the next.
Confirmed: The factory has therefore shut down
Southwest refineries located next to the train station in Sanshui, Jhancian one on the 6th. 12 am, empty factory, workshop door was locked. A woman in the cafeteria to prepare closing, "Nobody eat, shut down for."
Factory direct denied it at first, but then confirmed that there is a genuine has ceased,, a small part of the oil were checked out excessive aflatoxin, was ordered rectification, after rectification report has been submitted to the quality supervision department and is awaiting the decision, what When the return to work to wait for notification.
Yang, deputy director in charge of production, said on October 12 and 15, Sanshui quality supervision departments have to plant twice sampling. The first sampling all qualified, aflatoxin content of only 5μg / kg less than a second batch of product sampling, excessive aflatoxin were detected, but rarely exceeded. Subsequently, the factory start from material from the investigation, we found that the problem is the existence of the fraud Anhui membership in a private vendor sent peanuts, raw peanuts in a mix of mildew sprouting failed peanuts.
According to him, the presence of the supplier and plant long-term relationships, the quality of supply in the past were considered yield. This time,outlet hogan italia, the vendor delivered a total of 50 tons of peanut, after sampling did not find a problem. After the survey found that about a dozen bags (100 kg per bag), net are doped with 3-5 kg range have failed mildew sprouting peanuts, then, incoming inspection and production workers failed to find , resulting in excessive aflatoxin "impossible sacks to the inspection."
"Recovered from the market more than a dozen oil tank problem, and the rest of the batch of raw peanuts and destroy all the same batches of substandard products," Yang, deputy director admits, has been sold to consumers, as are finished, you can not recover back. For the specific number of substandard products, he is not willing to disclose, but said "Not much."
Another official said the factory is responsible for this,, the factory has been the supplier withhold partial payment, whether the claimant's degree of development had to be something.
Aflatoxin harm
Long-term consumption may cause cancer
Yesterday afternoon, for the matter,, Sanshui district health community an unnamed source said, aflatoxin is a carcinogen, long-term consumption of food containing aflatoxin is a leading cause of liver cancer, stomach cancer, colon cancer and other diseases It may lead to hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver necrosis.
Question 1
Why test results released to the plant were ordered to stop production, but after 17 days?
Sanshui innings Bureau Fellows Luo Zhimin explained, on the one hand is responsible for fear of causing injury, the quality supervision department has conducted a verification, verification did after exceeding ordered to suspend business for rectification. Second, the quality supervision department spent ten days time to review by a third party, so there are a process.
Question 2
To identify the problems, why not timely notice of Quality Supervision Bureau?
Southern reporters were asking more than the public, is also accused of "not heard of this thing." A Yangxing public horror, "My home is this oil, do not know if I have a problem, I did not dare to use at night," and questioned identified the problems, quality supervision departments are not promptly issue a notice to remind the public ? Moreover, the market, and now this brand of oil still on sale?
An Authority responsible: the current food regulation in this piece,, is the dilemma faced afterwards to remedy, which requires corporate self-regulation to implement the main responsibility. Because publishing rights and the relevant provisions of the constraints, release also requires a process.
The official said there may be excessive products into the market. According to regulations, the production of substandard products into the market value of the amount does not exceed 10,000 yuan, a fine of 2000 to 50,000 yuan; exceeded 10,000 yuan, the value of at least 5 to 10 times the amount of a fine.
News Bulletin
Food Safety Commission has ordered the recall refineries
15:00 yesterday, Sanshui Food Safety Commission convene media, a lot is rejected Southwest peanut oil plant made briefing. According to the Bureau of Sanshui innings Fellows Luo Zhimin, this year on October 15, quality supervision departments of the southwest peanut oil plant production routine sampling. November 22, the inspection report came out, the unit Oct. 14 production of a batch 1.6L secondary crushing equipment Suisheng brand peanut aflatoxin B & nbsp; 1 levels of 31.3μg / kg, does not meet national standards (the national standard no higher than 20μg / kg), the total amount of 288 bottles.
According to this situation, December 8, the quality supervision department ordered the company to suspend production for rectification and their equipment seized, and ordered the recall refineries have leaked into the oil market issues, while the stock of peanut sample units inspected, the test results demonstrate compliance national standards. said that from January to November this year, the quality supervision department of product sampling southwest refineries amounted to 13 lots, of which 12 batches of test results are qualified, only this one batches failed. After preliminary investigation and analysis, the reasons for failure are subject to abnormal rainy weather affect the storage of raw peanuts this year led to excessive aflatoxin, the situation does not exist companies intentionally added. As the number of refineries recall how many problems of oil, how much has flowed into the consumer's home,, it remains to be investigated.
Quality supervision, industry and commerce, market safety supervision and other related departments will strengthen the region next production, distribution, food and other aspects of the inspection of edible oil, the recent three departments will organize a joint special inspection operations, and urge all food production units strict management to ensure that any adverse weather conditions on food safety and people's health, "Tomorrow morning, Suisheng brand peanut oil on the market we will conduct a joint special random checks."
Market visits
No excessive batches
Yesterday afternoon, the Southern reporter visited the city a number of Sanshui grain stores and supermarkets, found southwest oil plant production Suisheng brand peanut oil (cooking oil and blend oil) are in the shelves for sale, but there is no day exceeded batches 1.6 liters loaded Suisheng two cards squeeze peanut oil.
Jihua warehouse a saleswoman,, said that two months have not seen manufacturers and relevant departments to recover the brand peanut oil, have not received any notice under the planes.
Sanshui first supermarket to sell state-owned grain and oil are all Suisheng brand peanut oil, rows of shelves, there are many different liters, date of production, mostly in October and November, posted flyers on the wall with the words " rest assured oil. " According to a saleswoman said, shortly before the refineries of people do come back to a number of oil,, the specific reasons unknown, when asked what time received, go back much, the shop assistant looked very alert, "Why do you ask so much, you do not come to buy oil?"
See reporters photographs, more than the staff come to stop. A leader look like a woman insisted that "no one to take it back." "Just say that saleswoman has ah",tiffany roma, which, after the woman walked into the supermarket Church "I do not answer you."
"This brand of oil a problem? No way, this is the largest state-owned oil refinery Sanshui ah." Garden market within a grain store female boss expressed shock. She said that this oil has been selling well received by the public, and has recently seen someone to recover and claim the shelf, so I do not know regarding excessive aflatoxin.
Written / Photography: Southern Reporter Yao Jianguo